I love routines, lists, etc.
My life has been nothing like that lately. So I've been trying to include taking walks back into our daily routine. It seems like a trip or having company gets me out of habit of walking and it takes me two weeks to get back into it again! ðĪŠ So here I am trying again. ðĪ
Today was Saturday. When I was growing up Saturday's always had such a good "free" feeling. (After we got our Saturday cleaning done of course.)
Even though Tyrel works most Saturday's, I still subconsciously hold onto "Saturday feeling", and I always relax a little more.
So today, we took a little break from the walk to hang out by a barn close to the path.
It was brisk, but the sunshine was warm.
I laid down and let the sun hit my face.
Dog and baby were close by, happily doing their thing.
I relaxed and almost dozed.
But then I heard something...
Something that felt invasive, though I didn't know what it was.
Then I recognized the buzzing and immediately sat up.
Staring at the drone in the sky that was hovering directly above us.
I stared it down with a true mother's death glare until it suddenly zoomed away with rapid speed. ð
Then I thought about it the rest of the day, wondering who was on the other side of the drone's controls. ð