08 May 2017

My family just got done reviewing our huge list of things to do around the house before the wedding. I love projects! Yes, they can overwhelm me at points, but give me a ginormous list of things that I'll never be able to complete to organize my time between and I'm most happy. (Okay, I'm being slightly salty about allllll we have to 😱 but I think we're gonna make it and get married anyway 😄)

So this whole week has been filled with wedding projects and cleaning up our yard from flooding. But even all this work can't keep my mind off of last week!! I was in WV and I filled up my time with anything I could to hang out with Tyrel in his work. He's extremely busy which means enjoyed it immensely. I kinda just want to be there all the more for all the busyness! 😭😝

I know it's so cliche, but please let me be in two places at once and finish all these wedding projects and be with Tyrel to do any little thing I can do... please?!?! 😁

His bees came in while I was there and so we got to set them up at our place after church on Sunday.

On Tuesday, my dad graciously accompanied us to go build fence. ☺️

Uh-oh... Hehe, Tyrel stuck me on the tractor. 😝 I'm always a little apprehensive to do something like that, so I always ask him a million and one times first, "Are you suuuurrre you really want me to drive?" Really all I'm saying is, "I'm going to mess up and make a fool of myself, please don't laugh too hard!!!" 😂😂 Needless to say, it was extremely cool to learn, and I had the most wonderful day!

When we were heading back down the hill to go home, Daddy took me by a little waterfall he had heard while we were working. 😊


I stayed home with Alyssa and the boys on Thursday and Friday. 😚
We closed on our place Wednesday, and I hadn't had an opportunity to see the inside in person yet, so I packed up Brent and we took a nice long walk to our new place. 😍 He got to explore the garden and green house and toddle through the rows of strawberries. Then we walked through the house together, and things finally started sinking in... "We have a house! This is where we're going to live! I'm moving up here!!" 😅

Brent loves to pat and give slobbery kisses to baby brother Zane. ☺️

Handsome little chunk!

This picture is from a little session Alyssa took of Zane outside on Saturday as I spent my last day with Tyrel... 😭


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