12 April 2013

Abbey :: Senior 2013

I think I might have one last post of Abbey after this one, but here is the bulk of it.

Previous post of this session: Senior Session, Recap: 5865!, and Teaser #3
And the final post of this session: Tying it Up

Senior in Prom Dress by Train

Senior by Bridge


I have to say those first three looked pretty blah! before the edits because we
were shooting in such harsh light.

Senior Posing on VW beetle




I just shake my head in amazement that I was blessed
to have such a wonderful first experience. I owe it all to
this girl!



  1. Wow! Looks like you went to so many places and she had so many different outfits! How long did this shoot last?! LOL I love them!! I really like the angle of the firetruck (?) one! I like how it's focused. I'm sure she was so happy with her pics? I would be! The funny thing I noticed is that you like taking a lot of scenery pics... Not as many closups. And I'm the opposite way! I take so many more close ups when I do shoots of Laura!

    1. It lasted 3 1/2 hours!
      Yes, it is on an old fire-truck and I took it with the lensbaby Edge 80. :)
      She hasn't seen them yet, but she will today :)
      I noticed, too, that I was posting a lot of pictures where she was smaller... but then I have more that I haven't edited yet that she is filling the frame. I think the more scenic ones are just easier to edit because you don't have to worry about the skin and eyes as much. So I just whipped out a lot that were easy to edit yesterday. Make sense, lol?

  2. These photos are amazing!! I'm a friend of Heather's, btw. She sent me your blog. ;)
    I love the photo of her against the stack of wood. So gorgeous! :)

  3. these are lovely! you do great work! :)
