30 October 2015

Learning Contentment

Some days I feel like no matter how many things I accomplish for other people, how clean I keep the house, how much money I set aside and invest, how many smiles I give out to customers at the bank... it all amounts to no satisfaction. And then I realize... the rest of my life could be like this! I know, I'm being very vulnerable by saying that on a blog for everyone to read. So I'll tell you right now, that I already understand that this is spiritual/emotional battle, and that I mean to come out on top of it - with victory.

This last week has been just pretty "blah", and in hindsight I realize it's because I've been anxiously looking around for something big and exciting to happen. During a time of heart searching this evening, I came across a song that is called "Restless". I mockingly thought, "Oh great! Just such a perfectly fitting song for my life right now..." Well, yes, the song really has some good words about being "restless until I rest in You [God]" But, I really didn't want to hear those words, I wanted to ignore the root of my problem. So I skipped the song on my playlist and kept musing over my gloom.

Not long after that, I was talking with one of my friends who was asking for me to send her some pictures that we had taken together. I started working on the pictures and told her about the way I was feeling, just to see if she had any help. Ironically, in the course of our conversation, she brought up the exact song that I skipped earlier. She quoted the same line of the song that had run through my head maybe an hour earlier. Well, if that isn't an obvious answer from God, I don't know what is :)

She also mentioned something at the last of our conversation about loving our group of friends... And as I started editing these pictures I realized how thankful I am for everything I DO have. (With the #1 thing being such a great group of friends!) :) And not even half of them are in these pictures I'm sharing today. :)

So then - to answer the great question... "What if the rest of my life is a constant battle against restlessness!?"
Well, this evening I've realized that this time in my life is to condition me to be content in whatever state I find myself in.
I'm not saying that I won't ever battle this again, but I'll always know where the victory is; I can always run back to that place and be safe! :) 

Oh, so serious...

Christy pointed her lazer into the camera lens, just to see what it would look like. Kinda creepy... ;P

I just love all my friends! :)

Maybe next time it won't take me a whole week to realize that I should start counting my blessings and just rest and wait ;)

Stay Encouraged

10 October 2015

Fall Camping

I don't think I've ever blogged twice in a day...
But who says you can't, anyway?

I just got back home today from camping out with Audrey and some other girlys. It was just perfect... from the sunset last night, to the fog this morning.

I peeked out of the tent in the morning to see what girls had woke me up, and found Alea and Kiki starting a fire :) Thanks girls! 

And here's the ornery little scoundrel who woke us up in the middle of the night by climbing around on the tent!!! Bad little thing!

And... of course, when I went out to take pictures this morning, the cat had to tag along. But he couldn't walk beside me -- that just wouldn't do at all!! Nope! He walked in-between my feet the whole entire way! Ha...

Does anyone spot Alea out on the island?

Bed head ;)

I'll have to say that this camping trip made me REALLY start to day dream about going backpacking through some of Yosemite.

Alea, Kiki, Audrey, and Tori 

This afternoon I've been working on scraping down the trim in my new room so we can stain, and in just an hour and a half... I'll be heading back to Granby -- just a few miles from our campsite -- for a photo session this evening.
Hope everyone else is having a terrific Saturday.


My Sister's

I was so excited for the opportunity to get to go to Alyssa's in West Virginia, even those it was a long 16 hour ride up there and I only had a few days to stay... But let me tell you, we packed TONS into those two and a half days I was there.
The main point of the trip was to help her paint some stuff in her house, so we got right on that as soon as I got there Monday afternoon. 
And the rest is just nothing but good memories :)

Marty and Alyssa's cute little home :) 

Alyssa and I had just finished picking up paint when I saw this spot, and she graciously turned around to go back so I could take some pictures there :)

I filled in for Alyssa on a photo session of a family while I was up there, and these bulls kept photo-bombing... but they just added character in my opinion :) (but isn't that a pretty view regardless!?)

This was one of our projects... we took down the wallpaper that was on this wall and made it into a chalkboard wall :)

This china cabinet was our other project... It was completely made of wood paneling, so we took the primer and paint to it :)


05 October 2015

Of Mountains and Such

Last Monday, I had just got back from our gorgeous trip to Tennessee. Infact, I had miraculously received two extra days off at the last minute so I could stay with my sister and brother in law for a few days before all of us met up at a little cabin in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.
We were setting out on the deck eating our first supper together when we noticed the mountains in the distance were turning a really weird pink color. So I brought out my camera in time to catch this sunset. 

I don't think I've ever really played a game of pool in my life, but there was a pool table in our cabin. And let me tell you... it quickly became a new favorite game of mine :)

One evening we went into the miniature theater room and watched a compilation of home videos from my Dad's side of the family. I'll be honest and say that I cried a few times when I would see videos of my Dad's father. He looked like a man that I would have loved to know :')

Leaves were already falling just a little bit up in the mountains :)

This was one of those shots that I was anticipating taking the whole trip. When I finally saw the old Mill, I made no hesitation to walk down there, wade in the water, and set up my tripod for this shot. My family joined me down there soon after, and when I got out of the water where I could hear them... they pointed to a sign that advised to stay out of the water due to high bacteria levels. Oops. Well, it's a week later and I'm feeling just fine... ;P

Family :)

And family, plus a little one on the way :D

We had just been to the first ultra sound for the little one and found out that they're going to have a little boy! We're all so excited :D

Our very last evening there, we travelled up to Clingman's Dome.
It was too foggy at the top of the mountain to see more than a few yards, but the drive up there was certainly gorgeous!

And on our way back down, we stopped at an overlook to watch the night sky.

Thanks for stopping by :)
