Sometimes I wonder what it's like working in the kitchen at a restaurant, being a flight attendant, or even the local cop in town... 🤔
Maybe I need to read more books and expand my horizons some more... but why not just stick your foot in the door and try it for yourself?
Last night, I got off work and headed over to Edna, Kansas to a little restaurant my cousin works at called "Dalton's Stakeout". This was their first night on their new summer hours of being open until 9pm on Fridays, and most of them (including my cousin Mecia) had been there since 6 that morning.
I really enjoyed getting to work alongside Mecia doing odds and ends, watching the orders come in, and trying to process in my mind what you do first when you get an order. ;)
Dalton, the owner, is a single lady in her thirties, and for the little time I was around her, I gathered that she was just super relaxed about everything. I was little notes on the fridge about a little inside joke they have with calling everything just "weird" ;) She seems like a super cool lady to work for :)
By 8:30, things were slowing down, and one of the girls made an Italian Cream Soda for us... that was delicious!
Then Dalton's family and everyone who came to help for the day sat around to relax... finally.
Mecia and I went to town the next morning and picked up some of Braums new flavors of ice cream for company they were having later...
Walking around in Braums had me craving allllll sorts of random stuff, but I finally settled on a pre-mixed Asian salad. It was so good 😍
Me-cia-ching! I loved spending the day with her :)
We had smoked cream cheese, and four flavors of ice cream to try... 😊
Then we all zoomed off to a celebration for my great Aunt and Uncle's 50th wedding Anniversary.
And now I get to do laundry :D
Have a wonderful weekend!