07 April 2013

Baby Jennifer

I had a great day up in Kansas City. I got to meet my cousin's baby Jennifer and some other family I have never met before :)

Just like the above picture, it is all about perspective... Thankfully I can get feedback from the mirror to really know what my outfit looks like; but, in the photography world, my feedback is from you all! I need all I can get!
My sister recently told me that the pictures I post on facebook are too low of quality and she wants to see the detail. I'll admit, it kind of bothered me at first; I was thinking, "Here I've posted several pictures, expecting people to enjoy them as much as I do, but they are noticing a flaw in the quality?!" I felt really bad, and I still wish I could go back and upload them all again (I typically just use a similar image quality as the ones I put on this blog). Yet, I am so thankful for the feedback my sister gave me so that I can change before it really matters so much.
So the point is: it is your duty ;) to let me know where I can improve, because I have such a disadvantage in perspective. And thank you, thank you, thank you for comments :)


  1. I really enjoy your pictures. You're very creative--keep up the hard work!

  2. I love the last photo! It's so dramatic! I love the angle! And I haven't noticed the low quality of the photos. I'm sure you can always improve though!

    1. Ranelle was specifically talking about facebook, because I was resizing it and then facebook resizes it again.

      Thank you both!
